
On Thursday we talked about our experience in Maribor and the results from the interviews. We discovered that 8% of the young people know about youth centres. There was a discussion about how to raise awareness. We learned about the chain effect through several activities. These activities showed us how important the key elements are. We played several games of associations, which helped us to understand how to start or continue a conversation. We talked about what are we doing for ourselves. After that we discussed the differences between coaches, leader and mentors.



Tuesday was dedicated to the information about the youth work. We filled in the flipcharts about institutions and people involved in offering activities for young people, about opportunities suggested for the youth, what type of recognition they receive and what are the need or interests of youngsters in our countries. After that we discussed all the ideas we wrote and shared personal thoughts and ideas about it. The amazing energy bunny Jade gave us an opportunity to play games like prisoners; screwdriver and chain before the sessions. In the last session we had ˝Fold a T-shirt˝challenge. We were divided into three groups and had to follow the instructions how to fold t-shirt in the same way but with receiving different type of information. Finally, we discussed which one was easiest and most understandable way to do it. After it we got a chance to find out some important things about our personalities by taking VAK self-assessment test. After that we had a reflection about the results and explanations of the test.