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9 months ago

Društvo Lojtra


Vabimo te, da se udeležiš mladinske izmenjave na temo umetnosti in priprave delavnic z umetniško vsebino, ki bo potekala od 1.7.-10.7.2024 v hostlu v Brežicah!

Če bi rad svoje ustvarjanje delil z drugimi mladimi, se naučil, kako preko različnih medijev nagovarjati aktualne socialne in okoljske teme, in nadgradil kompetence kulturne zavesti in izražanja, se nam pridruži na 10-dnevnem pustolovščini in odkrij nove načine povezovanja skozi umetniške prakse. Vsaka država bo pripravila svoj del programa, kar bo spodbudilo ustvarjalnost in navdih.

Če si:
- star/a med 18-30 let,
- pripravljena sodelovati z ekipo in pripraviti kratko delavnico za druge mlade,
- se preizkusiti v izražanju preko različnih medijev (fotografija, risanje/slikanje, glasba ...),
- imaš čas za celotnih 10 dni in boš prisoten na delavnicah programa,

potem se prijavi na link-in-bio 🔗(IG) ali na

Prijave so odprte do 10. 5.



You are warmly invited to take part in a youth exchange on art and the preparation of workshops with artistic content, which will take place from 1.7.-10.7.2024 at the youth hostel in Brežice!

If you would like to share your creative work with other young people, learn how to address current social and environmental issues through different media, and build up your competences in cultural awareness and expression, join us for a 10-day adventure and discover new ways of connecting through artistic practices. Each country will prepare its own part of the programme to stimulate creativity and inspiration.

If you are:
- aged 18-30,
- a resident of Slovenia,
- willing to work with a team and prepare a short workshop for other young people,
- try your hand at expressing yourself through different media (photography, drawing/painting, music...),
- have time for the whole 10 days and be present at the workshops of the programme,

then sign up on the link-in-bio 🔗(IG) or

Applications are open until 10th May
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Vabimo te, da se udeležiš mladinske izmenjave na temo umetnosti in priprave delavnic z umetniško vsebino, ki bo potekala od 1.7.-10.7.2024 v hostlu v Brežicah!

Če bi rad svoje ustvarjanje delil z drugimi mladimi, se naučil, kako preko različnih medijev nagovarjati aktualne socialne in okoljske teme, in nadgradil kompetence kulturne zavesti in izražanja, se nam pridruži na 10-dnevnem pustolovščini in odkrij nove načine povezovanja skozi umetniške prakse. Vsaka država bo pripravila svoj del programa, kar bo spodbudilo ustvarjalnost in navdih. 

Če si:
- star/a med 18-30 let,
- pripravljena sodelovati z ekipo in pripraviti kratko delavnico za druge mlade,
- se preizkusiti v izražanju preko različnih medijev (fotografija, risanje/slikanje, glasba ...),
- imaš čas za celotnih 10 dni in boš prisoten na delavnicah programa,

potem se prijavi na link-in-bio 🔗(IG) ali na

Prijave so odprte do 10. 5.



You are warmly invited to take part in a youth exchange on art and the preparation of workshops with artistic content, which will take place from 1.7.-10.7.2024 at the youth hostel in Brežice!

If you would like to share your creative work with other young people, learn how to address current social and environmental issues through different media, and build up your competences in cultural awareness and expression, join us for a 10-day adventure and discover new ways of connecting through artistic practices. Each country will prepare its own part of the programme to stimulate creativity and inspiration. 

If you are:
- aged 18-30,
- a resident of Slovenia,
- willing to work with a team and prepare a short workshop for other young people,
- try your hand at expressing yourself through different media (photography, drawing/painting, music...),
- have time for the whole 10 days and be present at the workshops of the programme,

then sign up on the link-in-bio 🔗(IG) or

Applications are open until 10th May

9 months ago

Društvo Lojtra

🫕Food is an important part of our culture, that’s why on our Youth exchange program master chef workshop is a must.
👩🏻‍🍳We spend big part of our Sunday afternoon in the kitchen and the results were worth it - we had a great Slovenian-Italian lunch break!
🐾Our Saturday was also full of experiences. We took a scenic train ride to Ljubljana, where we visited the zoo and had some time to explore the capital of Slovenia. Isn’t it nice to show our beloved city to a foreign friend?
🌿Our time together is slowly approaching to the end, but we are sure we will make a lot more memories together
🇪🇺Project is funded by European Union
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9 months ago

Društvo Lojtra

👋Ciao from us and our visitors from Italy!
🎉It was so good to finally hug them all on Wednesday as it's been a while we visited them in Italy. To catch up and dive into Slovenian life from the start, our participants, after full days of activities together, spent two first nights in Slovenian families. And from yesterday we are having the most fun sleepovers at Osnovna šola Gradec
👫We started our program with establishing some rules together and building our team, so we could have fun and respectful time together. On Thursday we had some team work activities in Litija and we had a chance to try ourselves as firefighters.
🌱We all love nature and adventures so what can be better than to visit outside adventure park? That's what we did on Friday.
So much more is waiting for us these days, stay tuned!

🇪🇺Project is co-funded by European Union
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9 months ago

Društvo Lojtra

👋Greeting from our volunteer Karolina!
"So much is happening, outside and inside of me, during these past months that I didn’t even take time to write my monthly post. But I feel I have a lot to say as recently I had a bigger mark on my calendar - half of the year of my ESC project. That means - less than 3 months left.
I don’t think about it that much myself, but I get reminded of it all the time as I am meeting new people here every week. They get interested in my story and life here in Slovenia. And then, of course, the topic goes to the date of my absence and it strikes me everytime.
Strikes similar to how it felt when I had to leave Lithuania before the start of my project. As some new beginnings are approaching.
It’s hard to comprehend the fact that my life here will have an ending. I feel so good in all the activities I found here - starting the day with warm hugs from pupils at school, slowly becoming a part of its community. Learning the language, but noticing how well I can create a connection with kind neighbors even without a lot of words. Seeing how easy dreamy ideas are becoming plans, events and later beautiful memories. Building friendships and through the eyes of others expanding my understanding on how this life works. Also expanding the map in my head by exploring different corners of this remarkably amazing country. I have repeated so many times now - if I didn't have this big connection with my country, Slovenia for sure would become my home.
Gratefulness is something that I am also learning to practice and oh my what a long list of the things I could present. But the biggest one actually goes to me - for being brave to listen to myself and say yes even to the craziest ideas I hear - one of them was applying to this project. So that’s my wish to all of you - listen and you can be amazed what kind of things you might receive. If you hear a wish to have a meaningful adventure abroad - European Solidarity corps can be your call"
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👋Greeting from our volunteer Karolina!
So much is happening, outside and inside of me, during these past months that I didn’t even take time to write my monthly post. But I feel I have a lot to say as recently I had a bigger mark on my calendar - half of the year of my ESC project. That means - less than 3 months left.
 I don’t think about it that much myself, but I get reminded of it all the time as I am meeting new people here every week. They get interested in my story and life here in Slovenia. And then, of course, the topic goes to the date of my absence and it strikes me everytime.
 Strikes similar to how it felt when I had to leave Lithuania before the start of my project. As some new beginnings are approaching.
 It’s hard to comprehend the fact that my life here will have an ending. I feel so good in all the activities I found here - starting the day with warm hugs from pupils at school, slowly becoming a part of its community. Learning the language, but noticing how well I can create a connection with kind neighbors even without a lot of words. Seeing how easy dreamy ideas are becoming plans, events and later beautiful memories. Building friendships and through the eyes of others expanding my understanding on how this life works. Also expanding the map in my head by exploring different corners of this remarkably amazing country. I have repeated so many times now - if I didnt have this big connection with my country, Slovenia for sure would become my home.
 Gratefulness is something that I am also learning to practice and oh my what a long list of the things I could present. But the biggest one actually goes to me - for being brave to listen to myself and say yes even to the craziest ideas I hear - one of them was applying to this project. So that’s my wish to all of you - listen and you can be amazed what kind of things you might receive. If you hear a wish to have a meaningful adventure abroad - European Solidarity corps can be your call

9 months ago

Društvo Lojtra

🌤Prejšnji petek smo uživali v soncu na našem vrtu, medtem ko smo se učili graditi dvignjeno gredico. Dvignjena greda je način za pripravo vrtne grede brez prekopavanja.
🌱Spremljajte še druge dejavnosti na našem vrtu!
🌤Last Friday we enjoyed the sun on our garden while learning to build a raised bed. The raised bed is a way to prepare garden bed without digging.
🌱Stay tuned for other actions on our garden!
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🌤Prejšnji petek smo uživali v soncu na našem vrtu, medtem ko smo se učili graditi dvignjeno gredico. Dvignjena greda je način za pripravo vrtne grede brez prekopavanja.
🌱Spremljajte še druge dejavnosti na našem vrtu!
🌤Last Friday we enjoyed the sun on our garden while learning to build a raised bed. The raised bed is a way to prepare garden bed without digging.
🌱Stay tuned for other actions on our garden!Image attachmentImage attachment